Do you have a love of history?
The Calvert County Historical Society is a 501 C-3 non-profit organization and its life blood is membership, donations and volunteers. The CCHS, is staffed exclusively by volunteers under the guidance of the director, an archivist and administrative assistant.
We would like to extend an genuine invitation for you to become a volunteer and help support CCHS with your talents. Regardless of your age, education, or time – we have an opportunity for you. We will, as best we can, match or create volunteer opportunities aligned your desires and talents. Some volunteer opportunities just off the top of our head are:

Gift Shop Assistant
Archive Assistant
Public Meet and Greet Coordinator
Holiday Events Coordinator
Newsletter assistant
Volunteer for the Garden Club
Membership Assistant
Inventory Assistant
Local Field Trip Planner
Roads and Grounds
Our volunteers:
Transcribing handwritten documents – Researching family histories for out-of-the-area patrons – Clip relevant articles from newspapers and put them in appropriate files – Extract information from county assessment books – Catalogue and shelve incoming books – Organize, identify and catalogue slides and photos – Extract, organize and enter cemetery data into our cemetery database – Investigate newly discovered cemetery plots – Plant and maintain the garden – Improve and maintain the Linden landscape – Scan images – Maintain our computers and data network – Work in our gift shop – Provide tours of Linden – Acknowledgement of gifts and donations – House, garden and grounds maintenance.
Volunteers are particularly needed on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Training is available and it is a marvelous opportunity to become more familiar with the history of Calvert County.
Interested in volunteering? Call us at (410) 535-2452 to talk about putting your special talents to use! You can also send us an email via the link below.

Email us! – I’d Like to Volunteer!

“Everybody can be great… because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands – one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.” ~ Audrey Hepburn
“There’s nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer.” ~ Jimmy Doolittle
“Every person can make a difference, and every person should try.” ~ John F. Kennedy